Big News!!

Okay so I've decided to not use the new engine because it's going to take me a long time to finish the engine to be able to make the game so I scrapped the old code and started from scratch. I've implemented quite a few of features from the new engine and I'm working on the new menu system and shooting system. It took almost 2 year to be able to use the mouse but it's almost here! It should also make the game playable on mobile again. Since I have to rework everything it will take me a while to get something playable out for testing but I'd like to be caught up by the end of this summer. (but that's unlikely to happen) I'm probably going to scrap the pathfinding since it hard to get running right when I can't do multiply threads. I'll have to come up with a better solution for the enemy AI. Also I'm going to put the game on a separate branch on my website to make everything cleaner but that might make people loose progress so I'll come up with a solution to port your save over to the new version. I might work on a video sometime this month if I'm ready by then. All in all I'm really excited to finally be working on this game again and hopefully make it better. I might also make a custom ship for people who've played the older version!

Okay time to get back to it I hope you all are having a good day!

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Brave choice to start again. I've done the same with my game earlier this year. It's usually the right decision though.

Yeah for sure! I've already made pretty good progress so hopefully it will only take me a few months to finish.